FALL 2024 (Past Season)

-Fall 2024 Season will begin in October and conclude in December.

-Click the “REGISTERATION” tab or the link provided below, to complete registration.

-Registration Link: https://www.ararat.org/d-league-registration/

  • Early Registration (8/18/24)
    • $219.00 (ages 6-13)
    • $240.00 (ages 4&5)
    • $189.00 (Homenetmen Members ages 6-13)
  • Regular Registration (8/19/24 to 8/25/24)
    • $239.00 (ages 6-13)
    • $260.00 (ages 4&5)
    • $209.00 (Homenetmen Members ages 6-13)
  • Late Registration (After 8/25/24), Registration is closed now, please complete a “Waiting List” application and we’ll contact you if a spot becomes available.
    • $259.00 (ages 6-13)
    • $280.00 (ages 4&5)
    • $229.00 (Homenetmen Members ages 6-13)
  • 9/29/2024, Parents & Coaches meetings.
  • 10/10 & 10/11/2024, First practices and Jersey Distribution.
  • 10/13/2024, First Game of the Season.
  • 12/08/2024, Final Game of the Season.
  • “Homenetmen Members” are those players who pay an annual membership fee to a Homenetmen Chapter and have a Identification Number issued from their perspective chapter (ie: Ararat, Shant, Los Angeles, etc.).  Participation in D-League does NOT make the player a member.
  • There will be a $60 processing fee for all Refunds/Credits.  No refunds/credits after start of the season.

-Please check back for information regarding our upcoming season.

**Best way to contact us is by e-mailing DL@ararat.org**

-See Below for Information about Ararat D-League: 
  • D-League (Development-League) is an eight week seasonal program offered by Ararat for boys and girls ages 4-13.
  • There are three seasons each year.
        Winter (February-April)
        Summer (June-August)
        Fall (October-December)
  • The registration for each season opens about 2 months in advance and closes when league participation capacity has been reached.  This allows us to evaluate players, create equal teams, organize the coaches and referees…
  • There are five different divisions at Ararat D-League:
       Jr NBA, 4 & 5 years old
       PAC-10, 6 & 7 years old
       SEC, 8 & 9 years old
       ACC, 10 & 11 years old
       NBA, 12 & 13 years old
  • For the 6-13 year olds, we have teams of 10 players that are co-ed. They meet twice a week. One hour practice either Thursday or Friday, anytime between 5:00-8:00pm, and one hour game on Sundays, anytime between 8:30am-6:00pm. Each player is guaranteed to play half of the game on Sunday.
  • For the 4 & 5 years old, we have co-ed teams of 25.  They practice twice a week.  One hour either Thursday 5:00-6:00pm, or Friday, 4:00-5:00 or 5:00-6:00pm. Plus an hour practice on Sundays anytime between 8:30-11:30am. Sunday schedules will be posted and emailed a week before.
  • Before the season starts, all the new and some returning players (ages 6-14) will be evaluated in order to be placed in the appropriate division.  We’ll contact only those who need to be evaluated.
  • We create equal teams of 10 players for 6-13 years old, in 4 different divisions. Our goal is that the teams are well-balanced and Sunday games are fair and fun for all.
  • With over 400 participants, preferred practice day requests is not guaranteed.  Also we can not accommodate friends/cousins request to be on the same team.
  • All our coaches are volunteer parents, siblings or Ararat basketball players (6-13 years old age groups).  Please let us know if you would like to volunteer to coach.
  • All the practices and games are at Ararat North Campus. 3628 San Fernando Rd Glendale, CA 91204.  Access to the facility is through 3000 Dolores St, Glendale, CA 91204.
  • D-League office hours are: Thursday & Friday, 5:00-7:30pm, and Sunday 8:30am – 3:30pm, during the season.  Our offices will be closed during off season.  The best way to contact us is by emailing DL@ararat.org
  • All communications are through weekly emails.
  • The registration fee covers the entire season, jerseys and a personalized trophy at the end of the season.  Players must wear their own black shorts.
  • Your child’s team assignment (practice day, time,..) will be disclosed at the Parents Meeting and Orientation day (Two weeks before season starts).  If there is any conflict with the set day/time,  you can request a change or get a refund on that day only.  A $60 processing fee is charged for all refunds.
  • The first day of practice, we gather each team, and distribute their jerseys. Jerseys run a size large and you can have it altered if you wish, however, we don’t have any additional jerseys to switch.
  • At the end of each season, we forward the advanced players’ info to main Ararat Athletic office.  If they have available spots or need new players they will contact parents/players directly and setup tryouts for their year-around teams.  Year-around teams are competitive and players aren’t guaranteed playing time.
  • For more info about Ararat’s year-around teams, please call the Athletic Office at 323-256-2564, and ask to speak with the Basketball Director.  Let them know that your child has participated in D-League already.
  • For additional info about Ararat D-League, please visit AraratDLeague.org or email us at DL@Ararat.org.  Also, please follow us on Facebook for the latest news and updates.